Information and competitive processes continue to be the lifeblood of modern companies and are amongst the most critical assets to protect. With the many variants of Ransomware and related Threats running rampant, it’s essential to have a layered defense based on:
- knowledge of your critical information assets,
- clarity as to your true susceptibility to distinct and evolving attack variants, and
- a resiliency strategy that prepares your org and team to respond and take definitive action.
At MAKINSIGHTS, we help you to prepare by running a wide variety of simulated and actual attacks on applications, services and external and internal infrastructures. We leverage our skilled resources and simulate real campaigns utilizing the same TTPs (Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures) used by malicious attackers to allow quick identification and correction of weaknesses while improving the detection and response capabilities of your team. Additionally, we help you ensure your resiliency decisions are prudent and aligned with your most critical assets so you can respond and recover in a timely manner.
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